The Importance Of Home Health Care During Global Pandemic

While we are all stuck at home social distancing preventative health care often takes a backseat. But it’s important we all stay on top of our medical numbers. Many underlying issues become serious conditions because they are not discovered early on. Having better overall awareness of our vitals; temperature, heart rate, blood pressure, and respiratory rate can alert us to when we might need a medical consult. Adults rarely get regular physicals, especially right now when many are avoiding the doctors office.

Home healthcare technology offers many benefits. It serves as a preventative care measure; devices hold and monitor patient information; home monitoring cuts down on hospital readmissions, they cut cost of hospitalizations and perhaps one of the most important benefits these days is safety.  Read on below to see how Generation Guard technologies enable us to stay on top of key health information easily and accurately.

Home health monitoring technologies such as a Clinical Arm Blood Pressure Monitor from Generation Guard helps keep accurate track of blood pressure at your home and stores readings. Keeping track of your temperature is very important right now in light of COVID-19 and why not have a reliable digital thermometer with you at home.

If you move often or have to switch doctors for whatever reason, you know it can be difficult to obtain medical records. Home health devices store your information, so you have a starting point. Arming yourself with information is a great way to advocate for yourself when seeing a doctor, especially for the first time. People who have chronic health issues benefit greatly from home health technology. Home health monitoring for those with diabetes, blood pressure issues can help deliver vital information to your doctor and can reduce hospital readmissions. 

Another benefit of home healthcare technology and devices? Cost and efficiency. Thousands of dollars are spent each year per patient for hospitalizations and ER visits that result in hospitalizations. Much of the time these are post-op patients who need monitoring and to understand their recovery. Even more likely are long-term care patients who could be monitored at home or assisted living facilities with devices.

Finally, safety. Even before the COVID pandemic, hospitalizations carried the risk of exposure to infectious or bacterial diseases. The pandemic brought this to the forefront of hospital concerns. Early on, it was very difficult to be seen by any healthcare workers because they were spread so thin helping pandemic patients. We weren’t supposed to go to any office, clinic or hospital due to the lockdowns all over the world. Many health issues were ignored that could have been addressed or at least monitored with technology.

The reason home healthcare technologies work so well is that many are user-friendly, they offer simple instructions; Generation Guard provides how-to videos of their devices on their website and their YouTube page making their devices easy to learn how to use and easy to check the videos again for reminders. Spending less time in the hospital can greatly improve your quality of life, even for those managing chronic illnesses or preventing new ones.